About Me Contact

My name is Jean-Sebastien Maya Bravo, I was born in 1987 and I am graduated in Computer Graphics from HEAJ (Namur, Belgium) with specialization in Realtime 3D techniques.

You can have here an overview of my works

Maya Bravo Jean-Sebastien
12 july 1987
53 rue Croisette, 1325 Chaumont-Gistoux

mail: jsmayabravo@gmail.com
msn: jsanti5@hotmail.com
skype: maekaru

Download my CV
in English .jpg or .pdf
in French .jpg or .pdf



Animation of the character of my End Studies Work.
(Model and Textures by Dimitri Alexis) 

Level Design of a Space Hangar for the Unreal Engine 3.

Level Design for the Unreal Engine 3.

2D Sketches

Some Portraits sketches from real models.
All sketches have been realised in approximately 45'.